Students Got Talent is a free event for both domestic and international students. 11 finalists will showcase their abilities to battle it out for over $2,000 in prize money. Talents this year will include singing, dancing, rapping and roller skating, and finalists will represent countries such as Nepal, Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Burundi, and Australia.
Come and enjoy the variety of multicultural entertainment and cheer on the brave performers.
If you have a talent of your own, let this year’s performances inspire you to enter the competition next year.
Students Got Talent will be held at 7.30pm on 12 February 2022 at the Dunstan Playhouse, Adelaide Festival Centre, in the heart of Adelaide.
The show is currently booked out but we are hopeful that they will release more tickets, so keep checking here for more information and to check ticket availability – your don’t want to miss out on your chance to support the finalists and vote for the People’s Choice Award!
To set the festive mood, we interviewed last year’s People’s Choice winner, Marjorie Gertie Dioso Tacsanan, for an inside look at the competition.
Marjorie, originally from the Philippines, just finished her Diploma of Hospitality at Salford College.
Marjorie’s talent for singing was discovered by her parents when she was just three years old.
Her father is her inspiration for singing – he has been her coach since she was young.
Back home in the Philippines, Marjorie performed at many events.
Since moving to Adelaide, Marjorie had wanted to get back into performing.
“I [hadn’t sung] on stage since I left the Philippines.”
She noticed advertisements for Students Got Talent on social media but wasn’t planning to enter – luckily, her boyfriend encouraged her to!
Marjorie took home the People’s Choice Award, valued at $500, for her beautiful version of ‘Shallow’ by Lady Gaga.
You can watch her stunning performance here.
When asked why she chose that particular song, Marjorie says that it’s one of her favourites to listen and sing along to.
“Every time I hear it, I can actually feel the song.”
Busy working and studying before the competition, Marjorie couldn’t do much to prepare except practise in front of her boyfriend – only twice! – and listen and hum along to the song whenever she could on her way to work or college.
Even though she had years of performing experience in the Philippines, when she got into the final, Marjorie was nervous.
“But I was excited at the same time…Thanks to Students Got Talent, I got the chance to perform again. It had been two years and I missed performing, I missed singing in front of everyone.”
Marjorie hadn’t expected to win the People’s Choice Award and was shocked at the response from the crowd.
“ I couldn’t believe the crowd loved me…I performed my heart out. I was really touched when they chose me,” she shares. “Seeing and hearing the crowd's cheers was beyond my expectation… I had won their hearts, and it was such a wonderful experience.”
Since winning, Marjorie has been asked to perform at various events, including at the Royal Croquet Club in 2021, birthday parties, and at OzAsia Festival.
To students eager to enter the competition this year, Marjorie offers some words of advice:
“Just do what your heart wants. It's OK to be nervous, but just be cool. In the end, we just want to perform what we have and let people see what we can do. No matter what happens, continue with the talent you have,” she expresses. “Everyone is unique. It is a gift that no one can ever [steal from] you. Don't let the stage eat you! Own it, and perform your heart out. Good luck and have fun!”
Good luck to all of the students, as the saying goes, ‘break a leg!’
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