The South Australian Government and three public universities in South Australia have committed more than $50 million to support international students studying in South Australia during the coronavirus pandemic.
There are 44,199 international student enrolments in Adelaide from over 130 countries around the world. International students are a valued part of the local community. Not only do the students help the local economy (every four students creates one job), they also enrich the community by bringing their unique culture as well as connecting South Australia to the world.
The support offered by the Government and public universities is a reflection of just how valued international students are in South Australia.
University of South Australia (UniSA)
UniSA created a $10 million Student Hardship Fund (COVID-19) which is open to all students currently enrolled for onshore study at UniSA, who are in financial crisis and struggling with the costs of living as a result of COVID-19.
Flinders University
The $12.5 million Flinders COVID-19 Student Support Package offers a range of support for students including cash payments, a new scholarship program and the waiver of some fees. The aim of the package is to reduce the financial stress of students, so they can continue to focus on their studies.
The University of Adelaide
In partnership with the Adelaide University Union and student representatives, The University of Adelaide offer a targeted Student Support Package to meet the needs of their students. Support is offered across three key aspects including academic support, a wellbeing plan and emergency financial support.
Government of South Australia
The South Australian Government has announced a $13.8 million International Student Support Package to support students currently residing in South Australia and facing financial hardship. The package has three components including support of the university programs above, a $500 emergency cash grant for students not studying at one of the public universities or on a package with the university, and a one-off $200 assistance payment to homestay families to help support accommodation for school students. Funding is also being distributed to the three public universities to distribute to their pathway and international students.
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